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It's not one or the other

It's not one or the other

It's not one or the other. It's a combination of both.

It's always a choice to have sex with another man, regardless of how much you're actually attracted to him.

Are rapists born rapists, or is it a choice? There are MANY men who would rape, but they don't because they CHOOSE not to.
Human Sexuality; that would be Homosexuality

Human Sexuality; that would be Homosexuality

Human Sexuality; that would be Homosexuality (Attraction to the same-sex), Heterosexuality (Attraction to the Opposite-Sex) and Bisexuality (Attraction to Both Genders) has been proven to be inborn. This was done in a case study of Identical Twins, when both twins where born and one happened to be gay the other twin had a seventy percent chance of also being gay. Proving that Human Sexuality deals with Hormones in the womb, pre-birth.


The thing about science is whether you believe in it or not; it's true!
I don't have anything against gay/lesbian people I

I don't have anything against gay/lesbian people I

I don't have anything against gay/lesbian people I think its peoples lives, and they should be able to do whatever makes them happy (as long as its not killing or harming others). And animals even do homosexual acts so I don't believe its even against nature.
But is being gay a choice or is it something you're born with or is just how your brain clicks? And when/how did you know?